What is a Parent Forum?

A group of parents and carers of disabled children who work with local authorities, education, social care and health providers and other providers to make sure the services they plan and deliver meet the needs of disabled children and their families
In England there are parent carer forums in almost all local authority areas
Forums usually have a steering group of parents who lead this work and listen to the views of other parents in the local area to make sure they know what is important to them. Forums are keen to hear from as many parent carers as possible
Supporting Parent Participation
The important thing about a Parent Forum is that our aim is not just to think about our own children but ALL of the children living in our area, as collectively we have a stronger voice
Because we are all parents/carers we know there are limits on the time people can commit to getting involved
Please support Lambeth Parent Forum and the professionals seeking to engage with them by joining the Forum and taking part in future events
Lambeth Parent Forum

Our Mission Statement
We are open to all parents and carers of children and young people with additional needs and disabilities aged 0 to 25 in the London Borough of Lambeth.
Our aim is to provide opportunities for parents and carers to influence the decisions that affect their families and to contribute to developing services that meet the needs of their families, whilst sharing experiences and knowledge with other parents and carers

About Us
Membership of Lambeth Parent Forum is free and we do not ask anything of you unless you want to become involved in Forum activities and consultations
We are funded by a grant from the DfE and are currently supported by Contact in Lambeth
We are part of The National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF) www.nnpcf.org.uk
By joining Lambeth Parent Forum you will be able to add your voice to our developing group